Early Years Concierge

Nursery Set-Up - Starter

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Not sure how to organise the nursery? Wondering what functional design looks like in your baby’s first bedroom? Allow us to show you how to create peace and flow in your nursery, creating different areas to meet the needs of both you and your baby.

Can you close your eyes and imagine that you come home and someone has set up the nursery for you.  This does not have to be a dream but very much a reality.  To help you enjoy the last few weeks of your pregnancy we will set up the nursery for you, we will unbox all your new products, wash and prepare your baby’s clothes for their hospital bag and baby’s going home outfit, we will also advise you on your hospital bag.  We will even dispose of all the packaging.

Having a home for all your baby’s stuff will make dressing, changing, and feeding much easier and setting up your nursery will help you feel more comfortable and organised.

At Early Years Concierge we offer 3 Nursery Set-Up services to suit your needs:

Package 1: Starter Package

Unboxing and set-up of pre-existing equipment, wash and prepare babies clothes for their hospital bag.

Package 2: Deluxe Package

This includes all of our ‘Starter Package’ along with assembly of up to 3 small to medium sized flat pack furniture pieces e.g. cot, changing unit, set of drawers. 

Package 3: Premium Package

This is the package every expectant family will wish for. It includes all of our Starter and Delux Packages along with the preparation of both Mommies and Baby’s hospital bags. Hazel will talk you through what products are really needed on the big day and ensure everything is properly organised and ready for you. 

Limited to Galway city and 20 kilometres from Galway city.

(If you live outside 20km of Galway City and wish to avail of this service please contact us to discuss).